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Happiest of New Years to come…

2017 has arrived and it’s time to think about some goals to accomplish this year.

2016 seemed to fly by with time spent focusing on work and family and by December 31st, as much as I have loved everything that has happened this year, I felt that I lost part of myself in the shuffle.

This year, I’m going to spend more time improving me for me…so I came up with three goals keeping that in mind to be a better me, mom, wife and friend…

Focus on Health- battling an autoimmune disorder, I go through many up and down swings of keeping sustained health success. I trick myself into thinking that because I take medication, I can eat whatever I want…sadly this just doesn’t work anymore. This year, I am going to commit to a clean diet by eliminating items that can trigger problems and cause unnecessary harm. It’s going to be tough…I’ve done it before but only lasted 5 months (I got pregnant and the hormone cravings kicked in!). I felt amazing and my body responded really well when I stuck to grain-free, sugar-free diet. I want to get back to that feeling. I also want to explore adding a supplement program for the vitamins and minerals that I become quickly deficient in when I am having a flare.

Focus on Fit-I was always fit through high school and college. I have tried different programs to get that momentum back again but as a working mother with a toddler (and major back surgery recovery!), working out and exercise hasn’t been a priority. I have joined the Emily Skye F.I.T. Group and I’m ready to venture into a sustained exercise program that isn’t too overwhelming or unachievable. My mini goal is to be able to run a 5k by Spring Break and rock a bikini again for a trip to South Beach in March….(encouragement needed here lol).

Focus on Side Hustle- yes, this should be considered as work but to me, this is an outlet for my creativity, entrepreneurism, and building a future. My goal is to finish my Doctorate in Organizational Development this year and to build my Work It Woman brand slowly but surely. I have a great support system behind me and it’s time to use my talent to make it this happen…for me.

Now that it is on “paper” so to speak (!), it’s time to get organizing and planning to keep me on track…

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