


Are you ready to transform your resume and land that dream interview…but don’t know how?

The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume Workbook is a quick workbook and resume bundle to help you create an even quicker resume while landing that dream interview.


Ditch boring resume templates.

Try The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume Workbook


Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon.

I’m sharing what I know from my experience in human resources…

By skipping over those boring resumes that didn’t interest me…

By recognizing that generic templates won’t make you stand out…

Which allowed me to build the ultimate resume guide and share it today.

This R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume Workbook  is essentially fourteen years in the making…

But it’ll only take you 2 hours to create and to implement. 😉

And after welcoming over 5,000 working women of all industries, niches, and backgrounds, we want to welcome you, too!

Ready for quick resume transformation and to land the dream interview in the process?

(Um, OF COURSE you are!)

CREATe your Resume today!

So...why do you need a R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume?

Hi, I’m Kirianne Suriano!

I’m a working wife, mom and entrepreneur simply obsessed with paving the way for other working women to be successful with work life balance in career, family and relationships.

I have fourteen years of experience with human resources and can spot a generic, boring resume from a mile away.  My passion is to help working women build and market themselves to land the dream interview through resume design and career coaching.

The idea for this R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume Workbook came to me in the form of a question I asked myself recently…

With SO much up in the air with our economy, I know so many working women are struggling, whether because their businesses aren’t recession-proof … or because they don’t know how to adapt and change to gain attention in today’s hiring market…

And let’s be real: If you are in the market for a new job or even a promotion in your current field, a generic, boring resume template is not going to cut it. Your resume will be simply trashed.

Basically, we could all use a quick resume fix now, and we could all benefit from the strategies in the workbook that can also help us market ourselves, whether we are starting up a new career or simply trying to revolutionize our current role to stand out. 

So, I asked myself two questions:

…I didn’t ask “How can I help them build a new resume?”  That can take a few days.

…I didn’t ask “How can I help them get an interview?” That can take a few weeks.


I asked “How can I help working women present a stunning resume that will not get tossed in the generic pile in the shortest amount of time?” (we are working women, we don’t have a lot of time)

I mulled it over, then I circled back to what I know best…

A resume design and content strategy that I’ve been using for YEARS

A personal professional development to create a quick and stunning resume design that is panic-proof (and pandemic-proof) so a woman—any type of working woman—can pivot and go after their dream career.




The strategy I teach inside the R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume Workbook is the same one I used to land my DREAM interview and earn my DREAM JOB when I was a working wife, mom with zero time and zero budget. 

It’s the same strategy I used to generate multiple interview offers in 5 days and get the job offer on the same day.

(Which paved the way to the helping women through that I have today.)

It’s the same strategy that so many working women use to get noticed in the resume pile.

And it’s the same strategy I’ve now taught to over 3,000 working women from around the world.

Now, I want to teach it to YOU.

You’re so welcome. 😉

So what is in it for you?

The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume formula works for any type of career field—business, technology, educational, industry, local or global. Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back from your dreams.

If you’re tired of these generic resumes you can find online that don’t even represent the real you, then The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume is for you.

If you’re ready to ditch old resume language and start seeing real ways to market yourself, then The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume is for you.

If you’re gearing up to apply for a promotion, but you don’t know how to represent yourself or even how to get started, then The R.E.F.I.N.E.D. Resume is for you.

Heck, if you just got laid off or need a new career path during this pandemic, then The R.E.F.I.N.E.D. Resume is for you.

Inside The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume Workbook, I share: 

  • How to write a consistent resume that gives a clear picture of the experiences that you have and how you will use that experience to help benefit future employers.
  • How to analyze a job description to help you find out exactly what they are looking for and use it to your advantage.
  • How to avoid some of the biggest resume mistakes that seen in the last several years as a hiring professional.
  • How to choose a format that is professional, up-to-date and allows for your personality and experience to shine.
  • How to write specific, concise bullet points to see your experiences- even if they are not related to the position description.
  • How to instantly add dimension to your resume and make it look professional and improve its readability


…complete with a template to help you make it fast and easy!

Grab The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume today...


Creating a stunning resume that you already know will spark interest from future employers because it stands out…

Sharing your value… while simultaneously landing your dream interview…

That’s what The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume strategy did for me.

That’s the difference between using a generic resume that you find for free on the internet…

Versus selling yourself in a stunning R.E.F.I.N.E.D resume to fill your inbox with interview requests.

(In my case, it’s a major salary increase difference.)

Inside The R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume, I’m going back to the beginnings of my resume reviews.

I’m sharing with you strategies I’ve never shared in any of my other programs.

And I’m sharing this stuff right now because I don’t want you to simply survive as a working woman…

I want you to thrive with the career of your dreams.

And it 100% can…

If you reflect using the R.E.F.I.N.E.D Resume process.

Try saying that five times fast.

Or… don’t.

Just join today. 😉

Why the urgency, Kirianne?

Here’s the thing:

Things are not “business as usual.”

This is a highly unusual time.

Even with things slowly starting to open up, it’s going to be a while before things return to any semblance of “normal.”

No one alive today has gone through what we’re all going through right now, and no one company has the monopoly on how to perfectly handle this uncertain situation.

BUT here are a few things that are certain:

People are still needing jobs.

People still need you (and your services).

People still have the same problems they had before the pandemic. Those problems still need solutions, i.e., what skills you can bring to the table.

And while your current value and skills don’t need to go anywhere…

You may feel compelled to pivot and provide a simpler solution so you can survive—and even thrive—in this unusual time.

And if that’s where you are, I want to help you.

here is how this works